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Based on Presidential Decree 7/2018, pursuant to EU Directive 2015/2302

 Please read carefully the following General Terms of Participation, which form an integral part of the package travel contract, as well as information and any other recommendations given to you, before registering for any of our package tours. Participation in any organized trip of our tourist agency requires the careful study of the program of the specific trip and means the unconditional acceptance by the traveler / excursionist of the General Terms of Participation, according to the Presidential Decree 7/2018. Therefore, you enjoy all the rights provided in the EU for these packages. The General Terms of Participation refer to general information, as well as the rights and obligations of both parties in the organized trip, while regarding the specific information (destinations, prices, days and times of departure and return, means of transport, accommodation, visits, etc.), concerning each organized trip separately, you must consult the current program and the relevant price list. ΤTravel schedules are valid for the period indicated in the relevant forms or on the Site.



   The information, data and recommendations contained in the General Conditions of Participation have been checked by our office for their validity and accuracy, are of a general nature and are valid as such, unless otherwise stated in the programme of each trip. The programmes, including the current price list, are valid for the period indicated in them. The information and details of the travel programmes are subject to change due to extraordinary changes in circumstances. In this case, you will be notified immediately by the most appropriate means and we will therefore need to have all your contact details, for which you are solely responsible. Seat changes on the bus are not made during the journey except on an international excursion. The planned stops of the tour can be modified upon agreement between the Chief of the Session and our Office. Our office reserves the right to change the size of the buses depending on the number of participants.




Registrations are made by visiting our offices or by mail (electronic), telephone, provided (in order to reserve seats on the specific trip): 

1st: The payment of the advance payment (50%) or the full amount, in cash, by credit/debit or prepaid card or by transfer to the tourist office, within 48 hours.

2nd: The unconditional acceptance and compliance with these General Terms. For valid registration, the specific trip must be indicated on the receipt of payment of the deposit or prepayment, with the dates of departure and return and any other distinctive information.

The right to participate in the trip is secured by paying the full value and the relevant charges 7 full days before departure.

Any non-payment of the total value of the trip within the stipulated time, entitles our Tourist Office to cancel the reservation and possibly to demand cancellation fees, in accordance with the cancellation terms provided herein. The contracting party, who represents his family or group, has the obligation to inform all his fellow travelers represented by him about the details and conditions of the trip.

Participants through a third party have the same obligations as the representative who registered them for the trip, and the tourist office makes available to them any relevant information whenever requested.  

The tourist services that will be provided to you, as well as the related costs, are detailed in the Package Travel Contract.

In case your physical presence is not possible (reservation by phone, email, etc.) you will receive the Contract by e-mail (in this case you have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the date it was sent to your e-mail, taking into account the relevant cancellation fees mentioned in Article 11 below).

Our Tourist Office bears no responsibility for the opening days and hours of markets, museums and archaeological sites.



   The value-price of the trips refers to our current price list. Trip prices are calculated on the day the price list is issued, based on the cost of the services of each trip, the cost of fuel or other energy sources, the applicable fares/surcharges, any taxes or fees, the exchange rate of foreign currencies against the € (Euro), as well as any other cost factor (e. g. minimum number of participants, etc. ). Our Tourist Office, having exhausted every possibility of forecasting, reserves the right to adjust prices when the above cost factors change.

    In particular, the price of the trip can change up to 20 days before the start of the travel services. This price increase will be communicated to the traveller and will be calculated in detail in a clear, understandable and distinct manner.

In the event of a significant price increase (i. e. more than 8% of the value of the trip) for the above reasons, the traveller may terminate the contract without paying a termination fee and be refunded the exact amount paid.

If the traveller terminates the package contract for the above reason, the traveller may accept another package of equivalent or superior quality.

The traveler's obligation is to notify our Tourist Office in writing of any decision within a reasonable period of time, but in no case may exceed 3 days from the time the price increase is notified.

In case the traveler does not respond in writing within the above deadline, our Travel Agency is obliged to cancel his participation and refund all the money he has paid without any other obligation, taking into account the relevant cancellation fees mentioned in Article 11 below.

Also, our Tourist Office has the right, for a certain period of time or for a limited number of seats, to pre-sell seats at more favorable prices, with special conditions of cancellation fees.

Child rates vary on a case-by-case basis from a free accommodation offer, without meals, in hotels and ships, to a small discount (for ages 2-11, usually, and only when paying two adults in the same room/cabin).

Prices do not include accommodation and city taxes. In Greece the accommodation tax per room/suite per night is: Hotel 3*: € 1,50, 4*: € 7,00, 5*: € 10,00 . The new residence tax of Law 4389/2016 which from 01/01/24 is called Climate Resilience Fees 



  Our Tourist Office has the obligation to coordinate and execute in the best possible way the trips available to travelers. However, having exhausted every possibility of foresight and care, it is not responsible for wrong actions and omissions of third parties and their associates, as well as for extraordinary situations, such as cancellations, delays or changes of routes of various means of transport (ships, buses, trains, etc. ) or in case of blockade ("embargo") of areas due to terrorist acts, strikes and other causes of force majeure.

   Our Tourist Office , cannot foresee or control any delays of scheduled ships for technical or meteorological or other reasons (and consequently travellers should not plan important personal activities or combine other travel, on the days of departures/arrivals).

It is stressed that our Travel Agency is not able to foresee or control circumstances that are outside its sphere of influence and may lead to the cancellation of the trip or to damages due to non-performance or defective performance of the agreed services of the trip.

    Typical examples of such cases are: strikes, accidents, illnesses, epidemics, organic disorders due to local conditions, altitude, climate, meals not included in the itinerary or due to inadequate sanitary conditions caused by external factors, injuries or hardships due to war, coups, terrorist acts, hijackings, earthquakes, weather conditions, fires, epidemics, toxic contamination and any other emergency situation; or force majeure.

In the above cases, our Tourist Office bears no responsibility for compensation for any damage caused by them, but will exhaust every effort to support and take care of the travelers in every way, without this constituting for him responsibility or obligation to cover the relevant extraordinary expenses, which should be covered, as in cases of force majeure, by the travellers themselves.

Reasonable complaints during the trip must be reported immediately and on the spot to the accompanying person (or, failing that, to our Office), and to the service provider, in writing. If the problem identified could not be solved on the spot, after your return from the trip, you must submit in writing to our office any relevant complaint within 7 working days, together with any documents or other evidence you have to justify it. After 7 days, our Tourist Office has no obligation to respond to any claim. If damages occur due to non-performance or defective performance of the package tour benefits, the compensation to the customer is limited to what is stipulated in the international conventions binding the country and governing such benefits. In particular: compensation based on the non-performance or defective performance of the benefits of the package tour is limited to twice the value of the per person price of the trip. A minimum number of 20 (twenty) participants (not including children under 12 years of age) is required for a package tour to be possible. If this number is not filled, our Office reserves the right to cancel the trip 7 days before the departure of the tour, and must inform the customers who had registered for the trip and refund the money they had paid, without any other obligation. Our Office offers only the services mentioned in the descriptions of the programmes of the package tours. Any optional benefits are available at an additional charge, if they can be implemented. Our Office bears no responsibility whatsoever for optional benefits, which are mainly provided by local organisations. After the completion of your trip, our office will issue the statutory tax documents, which will be received on board the coach.



Since other people usually participate in the organized trip, it is necessary for the appropriate social behavior and the absolute compliance of travelers with the program of the trip and the instructions of the escorts or guides and their timely arrival at the gathering places for the various benefits of the program (transfers, tours, excursions, meals, etc.). If the delay or inconsistency of the traveler results in the loss of an excursion, transportation or any other service offered, the traveler should reconnect with the group at his own risk and expense, without the right to a refund for the missed service or for the entire trip, if he does not manage to reconnect.

    Our Office will make every effort to assist him, without having or assuming any obligation and responsibility. You must be at the departure points at least half (1/2) hour before your departure.

    In case a traveler interrupts his trip by his own decision and leaves the group, he is not entitled to any further service or compensation and the responsibility and costs of any movement outside the group are borne solely by him. In the same way, our office bears no responsibility for organized travel services that were not provided to the traveler due to his own negligence or responsibility, due to his illness or sudden accident.

   In case the customer is prevented from participating in the organized trip in which he has reserved a seat, he may assign (by informing our Office in writing) his reservation to another person, who meets the conditions for participation in the specific trip, no later than 7 days before the start of the travel services, while for sea transport the corresponding deadline is 10 working days before departure. The replacement (assignee) and the original participant (assignor) are jointly and severally liable to our Travel Agency to pay to it any outstanding balance of the amount, as well as any additional costs of this assignment. It is clarified that any change should be exactly within the same framework and will be acceptable as long as all service providers in the package trip (hotels, etc.) accept the changes. In case a replacement (assignee) cannot be found, it is possible to credit the money on a later excursion within the period of 3 months. Travelers are responsible for the actions of the children they accompany and must constantly supervise them throughout the trip for their safety and behavior.

If the trip is interrupted due to quarantine or any hospitalization of the participant or for any further preventive public health reason either of the destination country or any intermediate country, LP Travel Services bears no responsibility whatsoever towards the traveler for the non-provision of part or all of the agreed services, having no obligation for any kind of compensation or replacement of an unproduced service at a later time.



  All information regarding the categorization or classification of hotels and accommodations mentioned in our organized or sold travel programs is in accordance with the applicable legislation of each country for the tourist classification of hotels and accommodations, which may vary from country to country.  The rooms of most hotels accommodate two beds or a semi-double. Triple rooms are, in essence, double rooms with an extra bed.     They are usually not particularly comfortable and the extra bed can be smaller than the standard ones or sofa or folding. Rooms are delivered by the hotel usually between 14:00 ́-16:00 ́ and are available to the guests until 10.00 ́-12.00 ́ of the day of departure (depending on the policy of each Hotel). In case you wish to enter the room earlier or depart later, you will have to pay the relevant charge (subject to availability). If, due to unforeseen difficulties, the tour operator is forced to change hotel with another of the same or higher category, the Tourist Agency is not obliged to compensate the travelers any other way. In coach trips in Greece the seats are given in order of registration and do not change during the trip, while in foreign excursions they change daily. Smoking on the coach is prohibited. 

The duration of a full-day visit/excursion does not exceed nine (9) hours in total, always calculated from departure to return to the hotel.

We recommend that you do not leave exposed and constantly monitor all your personal belongings (eg mobile phones, etc.) in any area (hotel, ship, etc.). Especially in hotels, it is international practice not to take responsibility for money or valuables left in the room. For such cases often there are small safes.



The passport should be valid for as long as the planned return date is determined by the destination countries. The Schengen area countries also accept the new type of identity cards, which are in Latin characters.

Our Tourist Office provides all the necessary information regarding travel and other documents required for Greek nationals for each trip and destination and their issuance and / or issuance, but (even if it provides some assistance in the relevant procedure) shall not be liable for any failure to issue or to obtain a visa from the competent authorities to which the traveller must apply, nor shall it be liable if the validity of the visa is shorter than the duration of the journey (i. e. the dates do not coincide) or if the travelling couple have different nationalities from each other, outside Schengen. In particular, nationals of other countries who hold foreign passports should inform the tourist office and contact the consular authorities of their own country and the countries they will be visiting to check whether they need an entry visa or any other documents for the countries they will be passing through or travelling to, and for their re-entry into Greece or the country from which they started. Failure to ensure the timely issue or visa of your travel documents does not justify the cancellation of your participation in the trip without incurring cancellation fees. Each traveller is responsible for the validity and validity, securing and safekeeping of their travel documents required for their journey. The traveller is responsible for the safekeeping of the tickets and all travel documents in general throughout the journey. A parent accompanying a minor child alone must bring a certified authorisation in English from the other parent who is not travelling. A similar procedure is followed in cases where the minor is not accompanied by either parent/guardian, in which case a certified authorisation is required from both parents. In any case, our office is not responsible if the local authorities do not accept the entry of such persons into their country.

The traveller must comply with national rules and regulations and the instructions of the national authorities. Our Office is not responsible in the event that the traveller faces criminal prosecution, is summoned to appear before an authority, is arrested by the local authorities, etc.

Due to the confidentiality of medical personal data - sensitive personal data - the responsibility to contact the relevant health authorities lies solely with the traveller. The traveller is required to obtain timely information from the local health offices about the health regulations of each country, including any vaccines or medicines they may need to obtain. Customers with health problems should obtain the consent of their doctor to travel by presenting a medical certificate or a sworn statement that they can travel safely. Our Office accepts absolutely no responsibility for illness, injury, loss of life, accident or other health emergency during the trip. In the event of such an incident, our Office will try as far as possible to support the victim, but is not obliged to cover any related expenses and change the itinerary of the trip, which will continue smoothly



Our Office has concluded for every excursion that organizes a Professional Indemnity insurance policy with an Insurance Company. The number of the insurance policy and the details of the insurance company are indicated in the package travel contract.The insurance policy addresses, inter alia, the event of the organiser's insolvency, covering all travellers irrespective of their place of residence, place of departure or place of sale of the travel service. In addition, Travel Accident Insurance, medical/hospital expenses due to accident, loss and delay of baggage, expedited travel expenses, as well as the repatriation of travelers due to injury or illness and other coverages are provided for persons who have not exceeded the age of 75. On the contrary, for persons over 75 years of age there is a specific framework of travel insurance covers, limited to the following cases: Repatriation costs only due to accident or death, loss of luggage, personal liability of a traveler.


The luggage is transported under the responsibility and care of its owners, regardless of whether or not representatives of our Office are escorted. In case of damage or loss, the corresponding international treaties apply to each means of transport and to hotels and liability in this case is limited to the provisions of these treaties. Our Office bears no responsibility for the contents of luggage.



Cancellations of participation on the part of the traveler are made only in writing to our office and, regardless of the date of the reservation. In particular: a) In case of cancellation of the tour 11 days before departure involves a 100% refund b) In case of cancellation of the tour from 10 - 7 days before departure involves the assignment of the reservation to another person with the conditions listed in Article 6 of the General Conditions of Participation) c) In case of cancellation of the tour 11 days before departure involves a 100% refund b) In case of cancellation of the tour from 10 - 7 days before departure involves the assignment of the reservation to another person with the conditions listed in Article 6 of the General Conditions of Participation) c) In case of if a replacement (transferee) cannot be found, the possibility of crediting the money to a later excursion within 3 months is provided. d) In case of cancellation of the excursion from 6 days until the day of departure, the entire amount is retained.

Charges are made regardless of the time of registration or whether or not the respective amounts have already been paid by the travellers. In the event that one of the two persons who have chosen to stay or stay in a double room cancels their participation, they will pay the corresponding cancellation fees. As long as the above cancellation fees are not equal to 100% of the total value of the trip, the person who will finally travel will also pay the difference of his/her room, as he/she will necessarily stay in a single room. In case of cancellation of the trip by our Travel Agency and if the time of the reservation allows it, the following deadlines for informing the Traveler will be followed:

a) 7 days before the date of departure, when the trip lasts more than six (6) days.
(b) 5 days before the date of departure, where the journey lasts between four (4) and five (5) days.
c) 3 days before the departure date, when the trip lasts between two (2) and three (3) days.
d) 48 hours when the trip lasts one (1) day ( Day trip ) .



Our Travel Agency and the traveler are committed to resolve in good faith any dispute that may arise during the execution of the contract of the package tour. . If the amicable resolution of the dispute is not possible, the Courts of Chalkida are competent.

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